What started just as a sideline to the then line of business I was involved with turned out to be a dream come true.
What started with ; 5 different color gels and a couple of kilos of sugar paste has now turned into a shop with over 5000 different products.

What started from having just a couple of clients, has now turned into having a large number of clients who have also become friends.
My suppliers, both locally and internationally - THANK YOU.
Thank you for believing in me, thank you for helping me all throughout our journey.
My clients; actually my friends, thank you for being there. You have all been so kind towards the growth of my shop. I will always recall the covid 19 days.
I was scared of what would happen to my shop, but the next day we had to close our doors due to health authorities’ directives, you all continued supporting with online ordering.
It was overwhelming and a huge turning point for my shop and for that, I will always be so grateful to each and every one of you.
This website was always a dream, thank you Amanda.

All this would have never been possible without the support
of my family.
Luca & Tisha, Rachel & Justin, you have all been the best a dad can ask for.
Last but not least the rock my family and my business depend on; my wife
Josianne was the one person who was there from day one. Always lurking in the shadow, always there when needed, always there with words of wisdom.
No words or actions will ever be enough to thank them for what my shop is
today. Their support is unmeasurable and endless.
Thank you, the journey goes on.